Friday, January 30, 2009

Best Album - 2008

Yes, it is a little late in the month for Best Of's but it is only right give credit where it is due.

I have done a lot of listening this past year and am finally ready to crown my favourite album. It is the one that I love to listen to from beginning to end and have yet to get bored of. "And the Winner is..." *drum roll*

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

It is out of the norm genre-wise for me, but still this album is brilliant start to finish in that, it's far from typical. It takes your ears down so many different paths at the same time. Unpredictable and enjoyable all around...for me at least. Old and young alike should check it out, guaranteed there is at least one song for you.

And the runner up...

Hayden - In Field & Town

This is Hayden, wonderful as always. A solid Canadian indie sound reminiscent of good ol' Neil Young.

Other notable mentions include: Tokyo Police Club - Elephant Shell, Girl Talk - Feed the Animals, Coldplay - Viva la Vida (or Death and all his Friends), Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs.

Basically that is what kept my toe tapping this year...go pick them up!


California (GT) Dreaming

Lately I have been having this reoccurring dream involving me cruising down a winding road in a down of course.

1962 Ferrari 250 GT California

It is probably because I fall asleep reading Road & Track every night, and before that I spend a lot of my time playing Forza, Need for Speed and the like. Those of you who are a little older and wiser are probably thinking: "Been there done that, had that dream a million times. Good luck". I understand it is hard to comprehend just how much it costs to drive one. But it seems as though every action I take in life is leading up to the day where I walk into the dealer, slap down a wad of cash, drop the clutch and burn out.

2009 Ferrari California

I remember one day on a trip to Florida. Typical Canadian tourist: shorts,'s the end of February and the locals are wearing parkas. Anyway, as I am about to cross the road a couple pulls up in a 360 Modena spyder (a Ferrari for those of you not speaking my language). I guess I forgot that people in convertibles can hear everything and reacted like a kid in a toy store. More excited than ever I tug on Jaclyn's arm "Wow, I want one!"... or something to that effect. Taking note of my drooling the lady in the passenger seat (about three feet away) turns and simply says "don't worry hunny, one day you'll have one." I was in love...with the car of course. Her husband blipped the throttle and drove away, the exhaust note was unforgettable.

Of course I have never driven one, but the idea that a whole machine was hand made and fine tuned for me to drive is just too perfect. It is not about status, but about the feel, the smell...the experience.

It is something that I know I will want for the rest of my life, work towards and maybe never achieve...but it will drive me to do great things.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well Lost fans, how are your stomachs feeling after this five year roller coaster ride?

I know last night's episode had me out of my seat gasping for air a couple of times. It seems like only yesterday when I was worrying about the simple things: the smoke monster, the hatch, love triangles...the usual.

They have stepped it up a notch this season. It is crazy, just as some questions are being answered even more are being asked. Theories are evolving, character connections are becoming increasingly complex and time-travel anyone?

My mind is stuck on spin cycle. Did Desmond watch his own son Charlie pass away without even knowing it. If Charlie didn't die to save Des and reunite him with Penny would Charlie even be born. Or did Desmond just name his new son Charlie in honour of Pace, how boring would that be?

...I just gave myself a nose bleed thinking about how that even works!

All I can say is WOW.


Talk radio

My name is Donny and I am a talk radio addict...

I just moved back to Toronto from Waterloo two weeks ago. While I don't miss the commute up the 401, I do miss tuning in to 1010 CFRB. There is an empty hole inside, I feel out of touch. What am I going to do without Bill Carroll, John Moore and of course the Two Bald Guys?

My iPod is great but it doesn't play up to the minute news and it doesn't call in to argue its point of view



I used to watch Scrubs a lot, but lately I have fallen off the wagon...until now.

A few nights ago I tuned in to the season premier, it was fantastic. The show is solid. There are so many shows out there that feed you the humour, you just have to sit like a vegetable and take it. The way I see it, Scrubs does this to such an extreme that the actual humour ends up being more subtle. Even though it has been doing it for years I found it refreshing in a line up of reality shows and recycled CSI plots.

Let's hope it can keep my attention for a whole season.


First post: introduction

I never knew the first post would be the hardest.

It is hard to know where to start because there has always been an inner dialogue in my own head of my opinions. Basically I have always been a blogger, but never made the effort to publish my thoughts. Now I am ready to jump in with both feet.

The name of the blog is self explanatory, it is going to be about my opinion on everything. I am going to make an effort to write down what I think rather than just think it.

If you read it you will get my view on:
  • News
  • Products
  • TV
  • Music
  • ...etc

Everything is fair game.
