Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Go play outside!

I was not looking forward to stepping outside on this blustery day...

But to my surprise I was faced with true beauty as I walked out the door this morning. Picture snowflakes so light and fluffy they refused to fall. Suspended in the air like cotton balls the scene was breathtaking as it was simple.

I made my way to the bus stop becoming inspired with every step. Today I do not want to be stuck indoors; I want to be skiing. I was on my way to school, but in my head I was at the top of a mountain. My shoulders had caught about an inch of white as the bus arrived late. Even the collective frowns of fellow commuters could not bring me down.

I don't know where I was going with that...I am here now in class, it is almost empty. I want to declare a snow day!

For those of you also stuck inside check out the brilliant movie "Seven Sunny Days". It basically sums up how I am feeling right now.
